W.A.R.P. - VRJam Log #2
Friday, April 24, 2015
Since the progress of the last post, I had to take a couple days off
because of a cold. That cold let up enough last night, leaving me
enough energy to get going on some things. First I wanted to get some
basic scripts done to allow this to even be called game. Covering a
chain of events from grabbing the object, pulling it through the window,
placing it somewhere, and having that trigger a door to open. Mainly I
just needed to work on the trigger and the door. I decided to go with a
pressure plate (to much Minecraft lately?). A giant button seemed to
Portal-esq. I wasn't really happy with this idea, but I just wanted to
work on something. After not having much luck getting things to animate
right with scripts, I just made some animations and triggered those via
the scripts. It worked. I was happy, time to move on.