Figure it's time for a general update
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Since it's been a few months, I feel I should post something.
I'm happy to say that the sales of my 2 unity assets have picked up since my last post about them. While money isn't rolling in like crazy, I never expected it to be. But I'm currently quite satisfied with the sales the past few months. I don't know what caused sales to pick up. My increased efforts in marketing material, increased capabilities, or just that it takes some time to get noticed. Whatever it is, it's working now! Its mostly the VR3DImagerViewer asset to my surprise. Since it's more popular, I've been more focused on it. The live version is pretty stocked with features and fine tuning. I even have official video and Stereoscopic 360 media support coming up in the next version! There's not much else left on my list for it. Currently I'm just waiting on some hardware so I can update the setup procedures since Unity v5.4 changed things quite a bit. I know Vive support at least got broken to an extent, and now requires a new setup procedure. Rift support, I'm not sure about. I'd think it would too, but all my feedback so far has been from Vive users.