W.A.R.P. VRJam - The End of the Road
Monday, May 18, 2015
Well... I lost.
Sure there's the community choice prize, but I have an even lower
chance at winning that. So I'm considering this Jam over for me.
So what's next for W.A.R.P.? Or me?
Well, I don't have any prize money to fund the game. I scrapped by
with my self created assets for the demo, but didn't plan to do that for
a full game. Also, I just couldn't get very much feedback or buzz about
my game. So either it's not interesting, or I failed at catching
peoples interest in it. I don't want to make a game no one will care
about. Win or lose that was my real goal, to at least come out of this
with some people wanting to see the game get made in full.
That all said, I'm not declaring it done yet. Just the the GearVR
version. Honestly, I don't believe in mobile VR at all for a variety of
reasons. And if it does succeed, I just don't want to develop for it. So
if W.A.R.P. continues it will be on PC only. And it probably wont have
that name. I came up with W.A.R.P. at the last minute, its meaning being
"Windowed Alternate Reality Puzzle". And well, as the game progressed
alternate realities became alternate worlds and it made less sense.
I'll likely take some time away from it to work on other projects,
and come back to it in a month or 2. If I decide to continue I will
scrap all the models/textures, puzzles, and design. Just taking the
window code and starting otherwise from scratch. From there I'll
probably try out all my alternative mechanics ideas, make some Youtube
videos, and hope to get some buzz from that. From there maybe
Kickstarter. Who knows.
I vow to be in the next VRJam, if there is one! Of course I don't
know what game I'll do for it yet, but I have tones of ideas, so
hopefully I'll get something ironed out by then. Hey! Never know, maybe
the spiritual successor to W.A.R.P.? =)
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